Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Lay of the Land (Part ii)

The day before I flew to Hong Kong my family went to a Sze Chuan restaurant near Portland. The owner was from Canton province, just north of Hong Kong, and he told me I would have "no space" where I was going to live. He said, "Hong Kong is tiny and there are so many people." He was write about Hong Kong having a lot of people in a small area, but he was wrong about me not having much space.

This is my home. (Left: girls, Right: boys).

My apartment is on the ground floor. This is the view from my front door. It's the living room/family room/dinning room/yoga room. That window has a nice view of the vegetation.  

From the main room there is a hall going back to the other areas. That door on the right is another room I did not photograph. It's a bedroom, 12'x8'.


Two in one, washer and dryer (though my clothes never come out dry) also in the kitchen. First door on the left. 

Toilet room. Second door on the left.

Other bed room. At the end of the hall.

Other bed room view two. 


  1. Two things:

    1) I'm really impressed by the combo washer/dryer. Sounds like it still needs some work though.

    2) Which room is yours? How many roommates do you have?

    I can see you doing yoga there. I miss our mornings of yoga.

    I was thinking about Texas enchiladas today. Also Mario Kart. Also the twin couches and our surround sound. And of course the shifting foosball table. It strikes me that I've let some of the most precious seconds of my life slip away and am left only with memories.

    I miss you Tommy Poole.

  2. The room with the coats hanging by the wardrobe is mine. I have no roommates, just me. That's why I said I have too much space.

    Don't get me started on enchiladas, and you forgot to mention homemade ice cream. But don't think you let the best slip, you squeezed the cuss out of that Mario Kart setup!

    I miss you too.

  3. They don't use dryers, just washers. You hang your clothes to dry. I learned this at my aunt's apt. in Taipei in '08 when we had to do laundry on our trip with Greg and Jonah. No more dryer sheets or fabric softener (don't use it in front load washers, we have one, it causes mold and a slimy buildup). Nice place. You do have TONS of room! 2 bedrooms? 12x8? that's huge! Ever thought about getting a roommate, maybe a colleague or another like-minded student (your age) or teacher? Is this even allowed? Or is it a guest room for when your parents (or other friends) drop in for a visit?

  4. Hi Tommy! Thanks for sharing your blog with me. Wow, you are quite a writer! I am really enjoying reading through all of this. It looks like you have quite the nice apartment and campus this year. I'm glad they are treating you well and you are having great experiences already! I can't wait to work with you in the future . . . :)

  5. Hey Tommy!

    Great to talk last night. I glad to see some images of my vacation spot. And am also happy to see that my room is so clean :)


  6. Nothing but the finest for you bud. I'll even put mints on your pillows. I'll even cook for you, any kind of cup o' noodles you want, it's yours, no extra cost.
