Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Lay of the Land (Part i)

A few photos of the school. The grounds at Hong Kong Adventist College/Academy (HKAC/HKAA) are stunning. It's not uncommon for movies, commercials, wedding photos, and things of the like, to be shot here on campus. I guess big green lawns and old brick buildings aren't that common in the city jungle of Hong Kong.
Map courtesy of the school's website.

The view just inside the black steel gate entrance. In the background is the HKAA Primary building.

A concrete road circles inside the campus. It's a nice exercise track, almost a quarter mile.

This is the primary school. Grades 1-6. Number 11 on the first map.

Directly behind the primary is the college building. It is also the administration building for the whole campus. Number 1 on the first map.
Another shot of the administration building, one of the few survivors, as far as buildings go, of WWII.

Behind the ad. building is the church. It's called the Bay View Church, and yes there's a view of the bay.  Number 3 on the first map.

A shot looking back at the ad. building. The soccer and basketball courts are number 2 on the first map. 

And here is the tennis/volleyball/badminton court. Not on the map.

1 comment:

  1. Nice, grounds. Is it commonplace for ppl to jog around that "track" in front of the primary school building? or would you be breaking some kind of rule by running there?
