Monday, October 24, 2011

Clean and Unclean?

Meat is on the cutting edge at HKAC. In the past, the school posted a "NO MEATS" policy on campus. Students having their cup o' noodles thrown down in the cafeteria because of their fleshy/fishy content wasn't unheard of, even as recent as last year. Many students struggled with this policy. Those who couldn't find vege coup o' noodles (not sure if they exist in HK), or stomach cafe food, elected to fast until supper. Some of them even skipped breakfast, which meant their one and only meal was supper.  Granted, this isn't due to poverty, mostly lack of creativity, or laziness, still, a challenge.

This year, the ad com committee voted to quietly do away with the eleventh commandment (no meat), on the grounds that it's impossible to enforce.  Today in staff meeting, the 'decision' was communicated to the staff, creating a small uproar.

Dean of Students: "... so we have decided that we can't enforce the 'no meat' policy any longer." 
Low murmur
Staff 1: "What?!?"
Staff 2: "You mean we're allowing animal flesh here, on campus?"
Staff 3: "I don't know. What happens if someone brings pork inside the cafeteria? We're just supposed to let them eat it?"
Dean of Students: "Yep."

Tonight in the weight room, discussing carnivorism with another teacher, I told him about my discussion with Donni the night before.

Me: "Yeah man, rules about meat eating can be funny sometimes. Last night, Donni asked me if it was okay to eat horse, so I showed him Leviticus and had to explain to him that horses don't chew their cud..."
Luis: "Horses chew their cud."
Me: "What?"
Luis: "Yeah, man. They're just like a cow."
Me: "Noway. Are you sure?" 
Luis: "I'm sure. They're unclean because their hoofs aren't split."
Me: "That makes so much sense." 

Look! I don't even know why I eat what I eat. Am I then going to fault the local 'heathens' for having two grocery isles of cup o' noodles with a plethora of mystery meats? Or Donni for wanting to eat a horse? Or the local Adventists for having a "NO MEATS" policy?

Do pink dolphins like bubble tea?


A joke I heard a few weeks ago, pertaining to the topic.

"How do you know Adam and Eve weren't Chinese?" ... "They would have eaten the snake." 

Which offers some interesting theological what ifs.


  1. So, does this mean that YOU are going to eat meat at school? On campus?

  2. I'm a rule enforcer now. It's my job. So ... that's what I'm doing now.
